
This tutorial explains who to install subpatch on your computer. Currently there are two ways to install subpatch:

  1. With pipx into your HOME directory
  2. As a standalone script into the PATH

Warning: subpatch is in a very very early stage. Do not use it in production environments! E.g. the config format will change. Nevertheless please try it out. Any feedback is welcome.


To follow this tutorial you need a PC or notebook with a Linux Operating System installed. This tutorial will assume Ubuntu, but any current distribution should work. Also MacOS may work out of the box, but it's not tested for now.

With pipx into your HOME directory

The subpatch project is released on PyPI, the "Python Package Index". The PyPI's subpatch site contains the project specific informations.

Install pipx

To install subpatch, you can use pipx. pipx is a tool to manage python virtual environments in your HOME directory.

To install pipx on Ubuntu, execute

$ sudo apt install pipx

Note: For other distributions use the distro specific package manager.

To check if pipx works, you can execute the list command. An example:

$ pipx list
nothing has been installed with pipx 😴

Install subpatch with pipx

If everything is fine, you can install the latest version of subpatch with the command

$ pipx install subpatch

The output of the command should look like

  installed package subpatch 0.1a2, installed using Python 3.10.12
  These apps are now globally available
    - subpatch
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

If some of the numbers are different, that's o.k.

To test that subpatch works, you can execute the command

$ subpatch --version

It should print the version number of subpatch that is currently installed.

Congratulations, now you successfully installed subpatch. A final note: To get further infos and the help text, execute

$ subpatch --help

As a standalone script into the PATH

You can also install subpatch as a standalone python script into your PATH.

Create a bin folder

First make sure that you have a directory that is listed in your PATH. If you have another folder in the PATH for other scripts already, you can skip this step.

I used a bin directory in the HOME folder for that. To create it, execute

$ mkdir ~/bin

Then this folder must be added to the environment variable PATH. This can be done with

$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.bashrc

It adds a line at the end of the ~./bashrc file.

The change will only be active in new shells that are spawned now. So start a new shell with

$ bash

Note: This tutorial assumes that you are using bash. If you use another shell, like zsh or fish, you mostly already know everything in the tutorial and can adapt it yourself :-)

To check that the modifications of the PATH variable worked, execute

$ echo $PATH

It prints all folders that are scanned for executable files. The list should contain the bin folder in your HOME directory at the end.

Download and install subpatch

The last step is to download the subpatch script and copy it into the bin folder.

First go to the releases page and find the latest release. There are two options: manual download or using the command line:

Manual download

Now click on the link for standalone python script and download the script with your browser.

After you downloaded the standalone script into your download directory, you must move it to the bin directory. For example:

$ mv subpatch ~/bin/

The executable bit is not set for downloaded files. You must manually set it with the command

$ chmod +x ~/bin/subpatch

Otherwise the shell cannot execute the script.

Using the command line

Apart from the manual download, you can use command line tools. To download the script and set the executable bit, just execute:

$ wget -O ~/bin/subpatch
$ chmod +x ~/bin/subpatch

The above command is just an example. For other versions of subpatch, the version number in the URL looks different.

Test subpatch

After download and installation you should test the subpatch command line tool. To test that it works, you can execute the command

$ subpatch --version

It should print the version number of subpatch that is currently installed.

Congratulations, now you successfully installed subpatch. A final note: To get further infos and the help text, execute

$ subpatch --help